“So I received my Maryland Medical Marijuana recommendation… what now?”

STOP marijuana sign
May 26, 2016
Grow Marijuana Cultivation Center
Maryland Awards 15 Grower Licenses
August 11, 2016
STOP marijuana sign
May 26, 2016
Grow Marijuana Cultivation Center
Maryland Awards 15 Grower Licenses
August 11, 2016

“So I received my Maryland Medical Marijuana recommendation… what now?”

RX by doctor
First and foremost, congrats on getting your medical marijuana approval. We understand finding doctors in this industry is tough, which is why we started helping patients such as yourself get connected to them. Now the question we get a lot is “What can I do with this recommendation?” We understand that it may be a while before dispensaries and grow operations start to show up in your area. We also understand that no physical cards have been created yet, but here’s a couple things you should know:
Information Uploaded When The Portal Opens 

Your information will be uploaded to the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission portal as soon as it opens up. This is a great way to be the first runners up when the portal opens and get updates from not only us, but also the state of Maryland. Once this happens we will immediately let you know. The doctors will have patients’ information that they’ve applied with and will upload the necessary information ass well they are required to supply on your behalf. Once your name and information has been uploaded, you’ll be able to have access to any of the open dispensaries in the Maryland area.

Potential Reciprocity in DC:

Reciprocity: the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another.

What does this mean for you? Well the District of Columbia is currently working on a bill to pass reciprocity, meaning patients from other states that have a card or recommendation can come make purchases! Now we don’t know if this will 100% be passed or not, but since it’s been marked up through three committess and we are waiting on the final, we are 90% sure this will pass with flying colors, and well before Maryland opens up! We’re all ears and if it does we’ll let you know immediately. Imagine being able to go purchase right in DC even before the dispensaries in Maryland open up.

No Card Required:

In Maryland, no physical copy of a card will be necessary when the dispensaries open up. Thus, the approval that you have/the document the doctor has on file will be sufficient enough for you to make purchases once the dispensaries are opened!

Able to carry up to 10 grams:

With your recommendation, your able to legally carry up to 10 grams of marijuana without going to jail in Maryland. All you have to do is show your recommendation if you were to be in any altercation where the law finds your marijuana. We do not encourage anyway to have over 10 grams of marijuana in their person at anytime.

Approvals Are Huge:

So again, your approval from the doctor is of huge value. And as soon as Maryland decides to move forward you will be all set and not have to wait to make any purchases. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us. We love assisting in any way we can!

MetroXMD Team


  1. Kallia says:

    This is great to know thank you!

  2. Joseph Vendemia says:

    The service couldn’t be any better

  3. Joseph Vendemia says:

    I I think they have there act together

  4. Mike says:

    How do you go about finding a doctor to get a recommendation? There are no doctors that I see registered on the Eastern Shore.

  5. Anne says:

    This is awesome

  6. Kevin lopez says:

    Do I need medical records of my condition to get approved? Is it obligatory?

  7. Big J says:

    Very simple process with professional employees in Salisbury Maryland on Saturday!

  8. kevin moore says:

    i sent in all my info picture and received my 16 digit number. I live in Catonsville, Maryland, 21228 area and am looking for a doctor. i have complex seizure disorder and anxiety

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