Georgia Officially Makes Marijuana Oil Legal

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July 28, 2015
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Having Your Smoke Accessories Delivered
July 28, 2015

Georgia Officially Makes Marijuana Oil Legal

Cannabis Oil

Georgia has officially taken its first steps to making medical marijuana legal! With the news reaching headlines yesterday, Georgia governor Nathan Deal signed the bill allowing medical cannabis oil to be legal in the state. This is the 36th state to finally take steps towards legalization of the drug!

If your located in Georgia  understand that only marijuana oil is legal, not the flower itself. This is a big step towards the future, with hopes that the flower will soon be legal in the state as well.

The law states:

1)      No more then 20 ounces of cannabis oil

2)      No more then 5% THC in the oil

3)      The oil must treat one of the 8 medical conditions approved. (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cancer, Crohn’s disease, mitochondrial disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, seizure disorders, and sickle cell)

Again, this is a great first step towards the future for Georgia.Cannabis Oil

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